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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 25 - Clothing & Shoes

Clothing, footwear, headwear
Commonly used descriptions: aprons (clothing); belts (clothing); children's clothing; clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of leather; footwear; gloves (clothing); hats; infants' clothing; knitwear; maternity clothing; outerwear; rain boots; sandals; school uniforms; sleepwear; socks; sports clothing; sports shoes; swimwear; ties; trousers; tuxedos; underwear; uniforms; veils; wedding gowns; windbreakers; wraps;
Class Class Name
25 articles of headgear
25 articles of inner clothing
25 articles of knitwear
25 articles of outer clothing
25 articles of outer clothing for sports
25 articles of outerwear
25 articles of sportswear
25 articles of underclothing
25 articles of waterproof clothing
25 articles of windproof clothing
25 artificial leather clothing
25 ascots
25 athletic and outing shirts
25 athletic bags shaped to contain clothing
25 athletic brassieres
25 athletic clothing for men
25 athletic jerseys
25 athletic shoes
25 athletic shoes for sports
25 athletic shoes for training
25 athletic shorts
25 athletic sneakers
25 athletic training attires
25 athletic uniforms
25 automobile racing suits
25 babies' bibs [other than of paper]
25 babies' bootees
25 babies' boots
25 babies' caps
25 babies' clothing
25 babies' cover-ups
25 babies' dungarees
25 babies' dungarees and overalls
25 babies' hats
25 babies' long sleeve T-shirts
25 babies' overalls
25 babies' pants [underwear]
25 babies' pullovers
25 babies' rompers
25 babies' shoes
25 babies' sleepsuits
25 babies' suits
25 babies' T-shirts
25 baggy pants
25 balaclavas
25 ballet shoes
25 ballet slippers
25 ballet toe shoes
25 bamboo headwear
25 bandanas

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