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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 dental curing lights
10 dental drills
10 dental drills for preparation work
10 dental hand pieces
10 dental hygiene apparatus
10 dental implant apparatus
10 dental implant instruments
10 dental implants
10 dental instruments
10 dental laser apparatus
10 dental machines
10 dental mirrors
10 dental polishing tools
10 dental prosthetic implants
10 dental tools
10 dental turbines
10 dentists' armchairs
10 dentures
10 deodorized insoles for orthopaedic footwear
10 detachable coil systems
10 detachable coils
10 devices for diagnosis
10 devices for long-term storage and computer-aided evaluation of electrocardiograms and electro-encephalographs for medical use
10 devices for massaging or vibrating portions of the body, for aiding in copulation or masturbation, whether hand-operated or electrical
10 devices for reading results of diagnostic DNA sequence tests; all for clinical or medical use
10 devices for treating bone, muscle and tendon disorders
10 devices measuring blood sugar
10 diagnostic apparatus
10 diagnostic apparatus and instruments for medical and veterinary use
10 diagnostic apparatus for medical and veterinary purposes
10 diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes
10 diagnostic apparatus for medical use, including apparatus for staining of tissue or cell based samples for diagnostic or for medical use
10 diagnostic assay apparatus for use in clinical and medical research and development and for use in diagnosis, prognosis, prediction or treatment of diseases
10 diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical use
10 diagnostic instruments for medical use
10 diagnostic instruments for medical use, including apparatus for staining of tissue or cell based samples for diagnostic or for medical use
10 diagnostic instruments intended for hospital or private medical analysis laboratories
10 diagnostic kits for use in testing for medical purposes
10 diagnostic teaching devices for the hearing-impaired
10 diagnostic test apparatus for medical and veterinary use
10 diagnostic test kits for the detection of correlated factors of tumor
10 diagnostic test kits for use in medical and clinical laboratories
10 diagnostic test kits to determine cholesterol levels
10 diagnostic testing apparatus and instruments for use in immunoassay procedures
10 diagnostic testing kits for medical purposes
10 diagnostic treatment devices for the hearing-impaired
10 diagnostic x-ray equipment
10 dialyzers
10 diaphragms; all for hygienic, prophylactic or medical purposes
10 diaphragms for medical use

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