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Class 17 - Rubber Goods

Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, tubes and hoses, not of metal.

Class Class Name
17 resins in extruded from for general industrial use
17 resins in the form of polymerisation liquids and pastes (semi-processed)
17 rings of rubber
17 rubber
17 rubber and plastic watering hoses
17 rubber, gum, gutta-percha, all in the form of sheet for use in the manufacture of soles, heels, toe-caps, vamps and tongues
17 rubber hoses
17 rubber hoses, reinforced, for hydraulic oil pressure systems
17 rubber lids and caps (for industrial packaging containers)
17 rubber material for recapping tires
17 rubber material for recapping tyres
17 rubber, raw or semi-worked
17 rubber sacks for packaging
17 rubber sealants
17 rubber sealants for caulking and adhesive purposes
17 rubber sealants [general purpose silicone]
17 rubber seals for jars
17 rubber sheets for sealing
17 rubber sheets for sound proofing drainpipes
17 rubber sheets for sound proofing of rain drops
17 rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines
17 rubber solutions
17 rubber stoppers
17 rubber stoppers for industrial packaging containers
17 rubber thread and covered rubber yarn [not for textile use]
17 rubber tubes
17 safety curtains of asbestos
17 screw thread sealants
17 sealant compounds
17 sealant compounds for joints
17 sealant compounds for joints and insulating joints
17 sealants and caulking compounds and materials
17 sealants for automotive use
17 sealants for building; all being materials for packing, stopping and insulating
17 sealants for caulking and adhesive purposes
17 sealants for joints
17 sealants for joints of buildings
17 sealants for pavement joints
17 sealants for pipe joints
17 sealants for repairing, filling and adhering rubber packing
17 sealants in the nature of caulk
17 sealants used to lock and seal fasteners
17 sealer for use in plumbing
17 sealing and insulating materials
17 sealing and packing materials for use in hydraulics, pneumatics and automatic control
17 sealing compositions for expansion and control joints
17 sealing gaskets
17 sealing joints not of metal
17 sealing, locking and caulking compounds and fluids [in the nature of jointings or packings]
17 sealing materials

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