CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 35 - Advertising & Sales

Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions.
Commonly used descriptions: accounting; administrative services for the relocation of businesses; advertising; arranging commercial exhibitions and trade fairs; auctioneering; auditing; business management; business management consultancy and advisory; convenience store retailing services; database management; employment agencies; import and export agencies services; mail ordering services; market analysis and research; merchandising; office functions; online retailing, wholesaling and distributorship; outsourcing (business assistance); personnel management advisory services; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; promotion; public relations; purchasing goods and services on behalf of others; rental of office machines and apparatus; secretarial services; sponsorship search; window display arrangement services;
Class Class Name
35 drug and cosmetic store retailing services
35 duplication of documents
35 economic advisory services
35 economic analysis for business purposes
35 economic and business forecasting
35 economic forecast for business purposes
35 economic forecasting
35 economic forecasting services
35 efficiency expert services
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to cosmetics
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to eyeglasses
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to farm produce
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to foods and drinks
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to furniture and upholstery
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to jewelry and precious metals
35 electronic and Internet shopping services and retail services relating to leather and clothing
35 electronic data processing
35 electronic distribution of advertising materials
35 electronic retailing and mail order services via a global computer network featuring digital music, cell phones, compact discs, digital video discs, audio and video tapes, magazines, books, computer hardware and computer software
35 electronic retailing services via computer and/or the Internet
35 employee counselling
35 employee relocation services
35 employee survey
35 employment advertising
35 employment advisory and consultancy services
35 employment advisory services
35 employment agency and administration of payroll services
35 employment agency services
35 employment agency services
35 employment counselling and recruitment services
35 employment information services
35 employment recruitment consultancy
35 evaluation of personnel requirements
35 executive personnel search services
35 executive recruitment services
35 export and import agency services
35 filing of documents or magnetic tapes
35 film advertising
35 financial auditing
35 floral retailing services
35 footwear store retailing services
35 foreign trade information and consultation
35 gift registry services
35 grocery store retailing services
35 headhunting services
35 hire of office machines and apparatus
35 home shopping by means of a global computer network
35 home shopping services relating to pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations
35 hotel and restaurant management services
35 hotel management

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