CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 rental of earth-moving and excavating machines
37 rental of electric washing machines
37 rental of excavators
37 rental of floor cleaning machines
37 rental of floor washing machine
37 rental of laundry dryers
37 rental of laundry washing machines
37 rental of machinery for civil engineering
37 rental of machinery for construction
37 rental of mining equipment
37 rental of mops
37 rental of oil and gas well drilling tools
37 rental of road sweeping machines
37 rental of spin dryers for clothes
37 rental of tools and apparatus relating to building construction
37 repair and installation services relating to computers
37 repair and installation services relating to telecommunications apparatus, installations and networks
37 repair and maintenance of air conditioning equipment
37 repair and maintenance of automobiles
37 repair and maintenance of buildings, roads, bridges and dams
37 repair and maintenance of clocks and watches
37 repair and maintenance of electronic measuring and controlling devices for level controllers
37 repair and maintenance of fire alarms
37 repair and maintenance of furniture and umbrellas
37 repair and maintenance of furs, clothing and carpets
37 repair and maintenance of lifts
37 repair and maintenance of mechanical parking installations
37 repair and maintenance of metalworking machines and tools
37 repair and maintenance of motor vehicles
37 repair and maintenance of motor vehicles and parts of motor vehicles
37 repair and maintenance of motorcycles
37 repair and maintenance of motors
37 repair and maintenance of musical instruments
37 repair and maintenance of office machines and equipment
37 repair and maintenance of optical machines and instruments
37 repair and maintenance of pachinko machines
37 repair and maintenance of pagers
37 repair and maintenance of photographic apparatus
37 repair and maintenance of photographic equipment
37 repair and maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus
37 repair and maintenance of physical or chemical apparatus and instruments
37 repair and maintenance of plastics processing machines
37 repair and maintenance of printing machines and bookbinding machines
37 repair and maintenance of safes
37 repair and maintenance of scissors and knives
37 repair and maintenance of ships, boats, vehicles and trains
37 repair and maintenance of shoes and boots
37 repair and maintenance of slot machines
37 repair and maintenance of spectacles, sunglasses, contact lenses, optical lenses, spectacle cases, spectacle frames and spectacle bags
37 repair and maintenance of surveying machines and instruments

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