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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 hole saws
8 holing axes
8 hollowing bits [parts of hand tools]
8 hoop cutters
8 hoop cutters [hand tools]
8 household knives
8 household scissors
8 hunting knives
8 ice axes
8 ice picks
8 implements for cosmetic treatment of the skin
8 implements for decanting liquids [hand tools]
8 insecticide atomizers [hand tools]
8 insecticide sprayers [hand tools]
8 insecticide vaporizers [hand tools]
8 instruments and tools for skinning animals
8 instruments for grinding and sharpening (hand-operated)
8 instruments for pedicure
8 instruments for punching tickets
8 irons [non-electric hand tools]
8 jacks (hand-operated)
8 jar openers [non-electric hand tools]
8 jigsaw blades
8 jig-saws
8 kitchen and table cutlery
8 kitchen hand tools
8 kitchen knives
8 kitchen mandolines
8 kitchen scissors
8 kitchen shears
8 knife handles
8 knife sharpeners (hand operated tools)
8 knife steels
8 knives
8 knives, forks and spoons
8 knives made of plastic materials
8 knives with retractable blades (cutters)
8 knuckle dusters
8 ladles [hand tools]
8 laser hair removal apparatus, other than for medical purposes
8 lasts [shoemakers' hand tools]
8 lawn clippers [hand instruments]
8 lawn clippers (hand-operated)
8 lawn edge trimmers [hand-operated tools]
8 lawn sweepers [hand-operated tools]
8 leather strops
8 levers
8 lifting jacks, hand-operated
8 livestock marking tools
8 locking pliers

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