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Class 14 - Jewelry & Watches

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class Class Name
14 bracelets for wristwatches
14 bracelets [jewellery]
14 bracelets [jewellery]
14 bracelets [jewelry]
14 bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]
14 bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewelry]
14 bracelets of imitation gold
14 bracelets of jewellery
14 bracelets of precious metal
14 brooch watches
14 brooches [jewellery]
14 brooches [jewellery]
14 brooches [jewelry]
14 brooches of imitation gold, not being clothing accessories
14 brooches of precious metals [jewellery]
14 buckles for watch bracelets
14 busts of precious metal
14 cabochons
14 cases adapted for jewels
14 cases adapted for watches
14 cases for chronometric instruments
14 cases for clocks
14 cases for horological instruments
14 cases for jewellery
14 cases for jewellery of precious metal
14 cases for jewels
14 cases for timepieces
14 cases for watches
14 cases for watches for presentation purpose
14 chain bracelets
14 chain [jewellery]
14 chains for watches
14 chains [jewellery]
14 chains [jewelry]
14 chains of precious metal
14 chaplets
14 charms for jewellery
14 charms for jewelry
14 charms for key chains
14 charms for key rings
14 charms [jewellery]
14 chokers
14 chronographs for use as watches
14 chronographs [watches]
14 chronometers
14 chronometers for sports
14 chronometric instruments
14 chronometric instruments for sport and leisure activities
14 chronoscopes
14 clasps for jewellery

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