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Class 25 - Clothing & Shoes

Clothing, footwear, headwear
Commonly used descriptions: aprons (clothing); belts (clothing); children's clothing; clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of leather; footwear; gloves (clothing); hats; infants' clothing; knitwear; maternity clothing; outerwear; rain boots; sandals; school uniforms; sleepwear; socks; sports clothing; sports shoes; swimwear; ties; trousers; tuxedos; underwear; uniforms; veils; wedding gowns; windbreakers; wraps;
Class Class Name
25 chasubles
25 cheerleading dresses
25 cheerleading shoes
25 cheerleading uniforms
25 chef's hats
25 chemises
25 chemisettes
25 chemisettes (shirt fronts)
25 cheongsam [Chinese long dresses]
25 children's bath slippers
25 children's clothing
25 children's co-ordinates suits
25 children's garments
25 children's hosiery
25 children's masquerade costumes
25 children's sandals
25 children's shoes
25 children's wear
25 children's wear made from cotton
25 children's wear made from knitted materials
25 children's wear made from polyester
25 children's wear made from silk
25 cleats for athletic shoes
25 cleats for shoes
25 climbing boots
25 climbing clothing
25 climbing shoes
25 cloaks
25 clog thongs
25 clogs
25 cloth baby bibs
25 cloth bibs
25 clothes [clothing]
25 clothes for practicing sport [except diving suits]
25 clothes in camelhair
25 clothes in cashmere
25 clothes in wool
25 clothes padded with feathers
25 clothes with fastening and attachments for carrying baby carriers
25 clothing
25 clothing and footwear for martial arts
25 clothing belts
25 clothing collars
25 clothing containing slimming substances
25 clothing, footwear and headgear for canoeing
25 clothing, footwear and headgear for climbing
25 clothing, footwear and headgear for cycling
25 clothing, footwear and headgear for golfing
25 clothing, footwear and headgear for gymnastics
25 clothing, footwear and headgear for hiking

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