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Class 31 - Feed & Seeds

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class Class Name
31 oats
31 oil cake
31 olives, fresh
31 onions, fresh
31 oranges, fresh
31 oysters, live
31 palm trees
31 palms [leaves of the palm tree]
31 peanut cake for animals
31 peanut meal for animals
31 peanuts, fresh
31 peas, fresh
31 pellets [foodstuff] for fish and aquatic animals
31 peppers [plants]
31 pet animals
31 pet chews
31 pet feed
31 pet food
31 pet food in the form of chew
31 pet food products
31 pet litter
31 pet treats
31 pine cones
31 pine trees [conifers]
31 plant cuttings
31 plant seeds
31 plants
31 plants, dried, for decoration
31 pollen [raw material]
31 potatoes, fresh
31 potted plants
31 potted rose plants
31 poultry, live
31 preparations for egg laying poultry
31 product for animal litter
31 propagation material (seeds)
31 pulp making wood chip
31 quinoa, unprocessed
31 rape cake for cattle
31 raw barks
31 raw cereals
31 raw cocoa beans
31 reptiles [live]
31 residual products of cereals for animal consumption
31 residue in a still after distillation
31 rhubarb, fresh
31 rice meal for forage
31 rice, unprocessed
31 roots and other horticultural comestible products, all being health food other than for medical use; all being for animals
31 roots for animal consumption

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