CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 transportation, storage and distribution of electricity
39 transporting furniture
39 travel advisory services
39 travel agency services
39 travel agency services for arranging travel
39 travel and transport booking services for airline passengers
39 travel arrangement services provided via telecommunication networks or a global computer network
39 travel booking services
39 travel consultancy services
39 travel courier services
39 travel information
39 travel information provided online from databases
39 travel information services provided on-line from a computer database
39 travel information services provided via telecommunications networks or a global computer network
39 travel organization and arrangement
39 travel reservation
39 travel reservation services for tourists
39 travel ticket agency services
39 travel ticket reservation services
39 travel ticketing services
39 travel tour services
39 truck transportation
39 underwater salvage
39 unloading cargo
39 unloading of cargo
39 unloading of containers
39 unloading of freight
39 unloading of goods
39 vehicle breakdown towing services
39 vehicle driving services
39 vehicle hire services
39 vehicle leasing services
39 vehicle parking services
39 vehicle rental
39 vehicle rental reservation
39 vehicle rental services
39 vehicle transport services
39 warehouse storage services
39 warehousing
39 warehousing information services
39 warehousing of baggage
39 warehousing of electrical goods, communication apparatus, domestic wares, machines, furniture and floor coverings
39 warehousing of goods
39 warehousing of goods and cargos
39 warehousing of printed material
39 warehousing services
39 waste transport services
39 water distribution
39 water distribution services
39 water supply services

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