CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 45 - Social Services

Legal services; security services for the physical protection of tangible property and individuals; dating services, online social networking services; funerary services; babysitting.
Commonly used descriptions: adoption agency services; arbitration services; bodyguard services; clothing rental; consultancy relating to fashion; copyright management; dating services; detective agencies; escorting in society (chaperoning); funeral services; inspection of factories for safety purposes; Internet access authentication services; legal consultancy services; licensing of computer software [legal services]; litigation services; lost property return; marriage agencies; missing person investigation; monitoring of burglar and security alarms; online social networking services; patent agency services; personal background investigations; planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies; registered design agency services; registration of domain names [legal services]; religious services; rental of fire extinguishers; rental of jewellery and ornaments; rental of safes; trade mark agency services;
Class Class Name
45 ministerial services [religious]
45 missing person investigations
45 missionary services
45 monitoring and reporting services relating to fire and smoke detection alarms
45 monitoring and reporting services relating to security and surveillance systems
45 monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes
45 monitoring of burglar alarms and security alarms
45 monitoring of burglar and security alarms
45 monitoring of computer systems for security purposes
45 monitoring of home or office security systems
45 monitoring of security systems
45 monitoring of security systems for baggage
45 monitoring of surveillance systems
45 monitoring services for fire and flood detecting devices and alarms
45 night guard services
45 notarial services
45 on-line authentication of user in electronic commerce
45 on-line dating services
45 on-line legal services
45 online provision of patent information
45 online social networking services
45 opening of security locks
45 organisation of religious activities
45 organisation of religious meetings
45 organization of Buddhist activities
45 organization of Christian religious activities
45 organization of gatherings for religious purposes
45 organization of political meetings
45 organization of religious meetings
45 patent agency and trade mark agency services
45 patent agency services
45 patent and trade mark registration consultancy
45 patent, design, trade mark and copyright agency services
45 patent, design, trade mark and copyright management
45 patent exploitation services
45 patent licensing
45 personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals
45 personal background investigations
45 personal bodyguarding
45 personal correspondence writing services on behalf of third parties
45 personal introduction agency services
45 personal letter writing
45 personal letter writing services
45 personal safety services
45 personal shopper services
45 personal wardrobe styling consultancy
45 pet sitting
45 physical security consultancy
45 planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies
45 political lobbying services

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