CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 45 - Social Services

Legal services; security services for the physical protection of tangible property and individuals; dating services, online social networking services; funerary services; babysitting.
Commonly used descriptions: adoption agency services; arbitration services; bodyguard services; clothing rental; consultancy relating to fashion; copyright management; dating services; detective agencies; escorting in society (chaperoning); funeral services; inspection of factories for safety purposes; Internet access authentication services; legal consultancy services; licensing of computer software [legal services]; litigation services; lost property return; marriage agencies; missing person investigation; monitoring of burglar and security alarms; online social networking services; patent agency services; personal background investigations; planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies; registered design agency services; registration of domain names [legal services]; religious services; rental of fire extinguishers; rental of jewellery and ornaments; rental of safes; trade mark agency services;
Class Class Name
45 public events security services
45 registration of domain names for identification of users on a global computer network
45 registration of domain names [legal services]
45 registration services [legal]
45 registration services relating to marriage
45 regulatory compliance auditing
45 releasing doves for special occasions
45 religious ministry and counselling
45 religious services
45 religious services relating to dissemination of religious information relating to buddha's teaching
45 religious services relating to speaking and sharing of Christian religion
45 remote anti-theft and security monitoring services
45 remote security monitoring services for gas and steam turbine power plants
45 rental of articles of workwear
45 rental of crowd control barriers
45 rental of fire alarms
45 rental of fire extinguishers
45 rental of jewellery and personal ornaments
45 rental of safes
45 rental of safety and security apparatus and equipment
45 rental of suits and/or uniforms for sports and/or martial arts
45 rental of wedding gowns, evening dresses, tuxedos and suits
45 representation of others in legal matters
45 research services relating to intellectual property [legal services]
45 safety services
45 security administration for houses
45 security alarm monitoring services
45 security and surveillance services
45 security assessment of risks relating to the protection of persons
45 security assessment services relating to the protection of companies
45 security consultancy services
45 security guard services
45 security monitoring services for offices, homes, cars and fleets
45 security risk assessment
45 security screening of baggage
45 security services
45 security services for the protection of property
45 security services for the protection of property and documents
45 security services for the protection of property and individuals
45 security services in the form of security audits, evaluations and threat analysis
45 security services in the nature of protection of assets and crime prevention
45 security services relating to access control to buildings, parts of buildings, goods elevators, passenger elevators, escalators and other vertical, horizontal and inclined conveyor installations
45 security services relating to the checking and control of access to buildings, parts of buildings, public facilities, passenger elevators, goods elevators, escalators, moving walkways and other vertical, horizontal and inclined conveyor installations
45 security services relating to the screening of hand baggage
45 security surveillance
45 social escort agency services
45 social escort agency services for child to and from school
45 social escort services
45 social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals
45 social work services

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