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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 pulleys of metal, other than for machines
6 purlins of metal
6 push and pull bars of metal for doors
6 pyrophoric metals
6 racking [structures] of metal for supporting cables
6 racks for storing articles and/or materials
6 racks of metal
6 racks of metal for parking bicycles
6 racks [structures] of metal
6 rail and points securing materials made from metal
6 rail joints of metal
6 rail supports of metal
6 railings of metal
6 railroad ties of metal
6 rails of metal
6 railway material of metal
6 railway points
6 railway sleepers of metal
6 railway switches
6 railway tracks
6 reels of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses
6 refractory construction materials of metal
6 registration plates of metal
6 reinforced materials of metal for buildings
6 reinforcing materials of metal
6 reinforcing materials of metal for building
6 reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete
6 reinforcing materials of metal for machine belts
6 reinforcing materials of metal for pipes
6 reinforcing materials of metal for pipes
6 reinforcing materials of metal for pipes and hoses
6 reservoirs of metal
6 rim locks [non-electric] of metal
6 rings made from steel
6 rings of common metal
6 rings of metal
6 rivets of common metal
6 rivets of metal
6 road signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal
6 rocket launching platforms of metal
6 rods of metal for brazing
6 rods of metal for brazing and welding
6 rods of metal for welding
6 roller blinds of metal or steel
6 roller blinds of steel
6 roller shutters of metal
6 rolling window screens with aluminium frames
6 roof components of meal
6 roof coverings of metal
6 roof flashing of metal

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