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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 roof gutters of metal
6 roofing of metal
6 roofing of metal, incorporating photovoltaic cells
6 roofing tiles of metal
6 rope thimbles of metal
6 ropes of metal
6 runners of metal for sliding doors
6 safe deposit boxes
6 safe deposit lockers
6 safes (cashboxes)
6 safes, electronic
6 safes [metal or non-metal]
6 safety cashboxes
6 safety chains of metal
6 safety deposit boxes
6 safety locks of metal for windows
6 safety locks of metal [non-electric]
6 safety-vaults (being fixed structures) and safety doors
6 sash fasteners of metal for windows
6 sash pulleys of metal
6 scaffolding of metal
6 scaffolding towers of metal
6 screen doors of metal
6 screen doors of metal with aluminium frames
6 screens of metal
6 screw bolts of metal
6 screw fasteners
6 screw rings
6 screw rings of metal
6 screw rivets of metal
6 screw spikes of metal
6 screw tops of metal for bottles
6 screws of common metal
6 screws of metal
6 sculptures of metal
6 sealing caps of metal
6 seals of metal for preventing leakage of fluids and gases
6 seamless tubes of metal
6 securing devices of metal
6 security boxes of metal
6 security chains of metal
6 security doors of metal
6 security fittings of metal
6 security gates of metal
6 security shutters of metal
6 security trays made of metal and not being furniture
6 semi-finished articles of common metals for use in the manufacture of jewelry
6 semi-finished articles of unwrought aluminum
6 semi-finished articles of unwrought copper
6 semi-finished articles of unwrought copper-based alloy

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