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Class 24 - Textiles & Substitutes

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class Class Name
24 curtains of textile
24 curtains of textile materials
24 curtains of textile or plastic
24 curtains [textile goods]
24 cushion cases
24 cushion covers
24 damask
24 damask [cloth]
24 denim [cloth]
24 diaper changing cloths for babies
24 diapered linen
24 dimity
24 dinner napkins
24 dish cloths
24 dish mats
24 dish towels
24 disposable beddings
24 disposable cloths
24 disposable drying towels
24 disposable tablecloths of textile
24 doilies of textile
24 door curtains
24 door curtains
24 door curtains [textile]
24 door knob covers
24 down quilts
24 draperies
24 draperies made of fabric
24 draperies of plastic materials
24 draperies of textile materials
24 draperies [thick drop curtains]
24 drapes
24 drink mats [table linen]
24 drop curtains
24 drugget
24 dust covers
24 dust ruffles
24 duvet covers
24 duvets
24 eiderdown coverlets
24 eiderdowns [down coverlets]
24 elastic fabrics
24 elastic textiles for use in mattress covers
24 elastic textiles for use in quilts
24 elastic woven material
24 embroidery fabric
24 esparto fabric
24 fabric
24 fabric badges and labels
24 fabric covers (fitted toilet lid -)

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