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Class 24 - Textiles & Substitutes

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class Class Name
24 fabric covers for kitchen appliances
24 fabric for footwear
24 fabric for labels
24 fabric for making curtains
24 fabric for the manufacture of clothing
24 fabric imitating animal skins
24 fabric, impervious to gases, for aeronautical balloons
24 fabric labels
24 fabric, linen and textile piece goods
24 fabric [piece goods] to be manufactured into clothing with water resistant properties
24 fabric place mats
24 fabric table cloths
24 fabric table runners
24 fabric tags
24 fabric toilet seat covers
24 fabric yard flags
24 fabrics and textile goods for making clothing articles
24 fabrics and textile materials
24 fabrics and textile products for industrial applications
24 fabrics being textile piece goods for use in tapestry
24 fabrics covered with motifs to be embroidered
24 fabrics for awnings
24 fabrics for blinds
24 fabrics for clothing
24 fabrics for curtains and blinds
24 fabrics for furniture
24 fabrics for screens
24 fabrics for shades
24 fabrics for tapestry and upholstery
24 fabrics for textile use
24 fabrics for textiles
24 fabrics for the manufacture of bedspreads
24 fabrics for the manufacture of clothing
24 fabrics for the manufacture of clothing articles
24 fabrics for the manufacture of comforters
24 fabrics for the manufacture of draperies
24 fabrics for the manufacture of footwear
24 fabrics for the manufacture of headgear
24 fabrics for the manufacture of interior furnishing
24 fabrics for the manufacture of undergarments
24 fabrics for use in making bed and table linen
24 fabrics for use in the manufacture of clothing
24 fabrics for use in the manufacture of protective apparel
24 fabrics of natural and artificial fibres to be used in the manufacture of clothing
24 fabrics [piece goods]
24 fabrics [woven and knitted]
24 face cloths of textile
24 face flannels of textile
24 face towels of textile
24 face towels of textile

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