CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 railway transport
39 railway truck rental
39 refloating of ships
39 refrigerated storage services
39 refrigerator rental
39 removal of domestic and office furniture
39 removal of vehicles
39 removal services
39 rental of aeroplanes
39 rental of aircraft
39 rental of aircraft engines
39 rental of airplanes
39 rental of apparatus for transportation by land, sea and air
39 rental of automobiles
39 rental of baggage cars
39 rental of bicycles
39 rental of boats
39 rental of buses
39 rental of car parking spaces
39 rental of cargo containers
39 rental of cars
39 rental of coaches
39 rental of containers
39 rental of crates
39 rental of diving bells
39 rental of diving suits
39 rental of electric wine cellars
39 rental of ferry boats
39 rental of fishing boats
39 rental of freezers
39 rental of garages for vehicles
39 rental of horses for transportation
39 rental of junks
39 rental of loading and/or unloading machines and appraratus
39 rental of man-powered vehicles
39 rental of minibus
39 rental of motor boats
39 rental of motor racing cars
39 rental of motorbikes
39 rental of navigational systems
39 rental of packaging machines
39 rental of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus
39 rental of pallets
39 rental of pallets for transport and storage
39 rental of personal watercrafts
39 rental of pleasure boats
39 rental of rail vehicles
39 rental of refrigerated storage spaces
39 rental of sailing boats
39 rental of ships

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