CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 rental of steam boats
39 rental of storage containers
39 rental of storage space
39 rental of tractors
39 rental of transportation vehicles for goods
39 rental of trucks
39 rental of vans and trucks
39 rental of vehicle roof racks
39 rental of vehicles
39 rental of vehicles for heavy goods
39 rental of vehicles for land, sea and air
39 rental of vessels
39 rental of warehouse for storage of goods
39 rental of warehouse space
39 rental of warehouses
39 rental of wheelchairs
39 rental of wrapping machines
39 rental of yacht
39 replenishment of vending machines
39 rescue operations [transport]
39 rescue operations [transportation]
39 reservation and booking services for business travels
39 reservation of air transport
39 reservation of rail transport
39 reservation services for air, rail and sea travel
39 reservation services for air travel
39 reservation services for airline travel by telephone
39 reservation services for business and leisure travel
39 reservation services for cruises
39 reservation services for passenger transport
39 reservation services for the transportation of goods by air, sea and land
39 reservation services for transport
39 reservation services for transportation
39 reservation services for transportation of goods
39 reservation services for travel
39 reservation services for trips
39 reservation services relating to transportation
39 river transport
39 river transport services
39 river transportation
39 road haulage services
39 road transportation services
39 route guidance services
39 route planning services
39 salvage of boats
39 salvage of ships
39 salvage of wrecks
39 salvage of yachts
39 salvaging
39 sea freight brokerage

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